Black Panther And The Christian

Image result for the black pantherMany Christians are excited and are very supportive of the latest Marvel Superhero film, the Black Panther. They are also going in droves to watch it, some churches are even promoting it. But the question is, should Christians watch those movies or are even the theaters places for Christians to go to?

Hollywood Anti-God 

The first thing a person who is seeking Christ should realize is that Hollywood is not on the side of God. This is a place that promotes all manner of wickedness and are in opposition to the Most High. Violence and immorality are a specialty of Hollywood movies. Using the powerful media, those movies have played a huge part in the corruptions of the minds of humanity.
When we as Christians go to the theater to support Hollywood movies with our money, we are making them richer and hence participating in their works-the promotion of evil. Thus we become participants on the side of Satan in His warfare against God.

Black Panther

Black Panther is not a Christian movie, it is based on a myth. As Christians we should not seek to be entertained by myths but to keep our minds on the things of God daily. We are called to to lead our children in the ways they should go so they would not depart from the Lord but we take them to watch these things. For in the days of Noah, God said that the imagination of man was wicked and violence filled the whole earth. In the days of Rome, the masses had the Colosseum to entertain  them. The violence was what they enjoyed and before we deceive ourselves, the violence always had a story line attached to it. But in this current age, Satan has pulled a fast on the Christian world by bringing the violence via the theaters and their own living rooms. The Bible teaches that as we behold we become, so friends when we watch these violent movies, movies that promote spiritualism and other wickedness under the guise of some noble story lines, we are losing our hold and our faith. No wonder as a church, we watch helplessly as immorality is sweeping the nation and the whole world.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The world does need a superhero to rescue us from our oppression and misery. We need a real super hero, not a mythical one. Our oppressors are the world (the flesh and the Devil), therefore we need someone who is greater than them all. Praise be to God that super hero is already here, the Lord Jesus Christ who is able to save from the uttermost those who are willing to come to Him. Friends we have no need to watch superman, Batman or the Black Panther, but we need to watch the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and follow HIM wherever He goes. In these last days as deception is sweeping the world, it is time for us to consecrate our lives to God. Time for us to surrender all our weaknesses to Christ, and to buy at no price His righteousness. Time for us to leave the world as they flock to theaters but to invite them to follow the Lamb into everlasting life. Let us seek the Lord in Spirit and in truth and the things of this world will grow strangely dim.

"The true Christian will not desire to enter any place of amusement or engage in any diversion upon which he cannot ask the blessing of God. He will not be found at the theater, the billiard hall, or the bowling saloon. He will not unite with the gay waltzers or indulge in any other bewitching pleasure that will banish Christ from the mind. {AH 515.4}
The blessing of God would not be invoked upon the hour spent at the theater or in the dance. No Christian would wish to meet death in such a place. No one would wish to be found there when Christ shall come. {AH 516.1}

There are amusements, such as, etc., which we cannot approve, because Heaven condemns them. They open the door to great evils... All such amusements should be condemned by Christians. {CTBH 108.2}

SHOULD MORAL MOVIES (Like the Passion) BE WATCHED AT THE THEATER? "As soon as these entertainments are introduced, the objections to theatergoing are removed from many minds, and the plea that moral and high-toned scenes are to be acted at the theater breaks down the last barrier.... When there has been a departure from the right path, it is difficult to return. Barriers have been removed, safeguards broken down. One step in the wrong direction prepares the way for another... The least deviation from right and principle will lead to separation from God and may end in apostasy. . . . {CH 240.2}

"The customs and practices in the cities unfit the minds of the youth for the entrance of truth... the theater going, the great importance placed upon holidays,-- are all a species of idolatry, a sacrifice upon idol altars." {FE 312.1} "The church of God is today courting the world. Its members are trying to bring it down to the level of the ungodly. The ball, the theater... are making inroads into the sacred inclosure of the church; It is the old trick of Satan. The Jewish church struck on that rock; the Romish church was wrecked on the same; and the Protestant is fast reaching the same doom." {GC88 386.3}

Written By Ric Neres



  1. Black Panther is very political. It's not myth or supernatural. It's about how people are controlled when oppressed and not technology educated. The Black race can relate to that. You're telling people not to see the movie, so we should be uneducated and uninformed about what's going on in the world we're living in.
    You said going to the movies is bad for Christians, worse things are on the television in our homes. So then it's bad for Christians to purchase televisions? Seriously, this is 2018, not the dark ages. Perplexed needs to be informed, if it takes watching a movie to be informed, then I will watch the movie. I am biblically educated about what's right and what's wrong; and about good and evil.

    1. Hello friend, as Christians living in these last days we have to guard our minds so that we are not deceive, so we should not watch anything in our home that is contrary to the will of God. The movies are now the modern gladiatorial arenas of ancient Rome where we watch violence for entertainment. It is better that we inquire of the Lord to guide all our ways instead of defending things promoted by Hollywood. Now in nowhere in the post do we say boycott the movie, as a matter of fact the post is against all movies that are contrary to God's will . Be bless friend.

  2. My sister,
    I understand the reason why many people love the Black Panther. I do know that the crucial point of that movie is to offer a world untouched by the abuse, slavery, and colonization of the western world. I am aware of the social issues that the world is facing. No matter how good and noble a worldly thing is still worldly. No matter how informational or educative a thing is, we don't need it if we are educated in the word of God. We don't need the Black Panther to know that Africans have been oppressed.
    One does not need to not evil in order to know Good. We just need to learn of God.

  3. I fully agree with this article. My mother taught me that movie going was wrong and not something that Adventists Christians do. I still believe this and have not seen Black Panther. I'm sadden by the last two comments but as the Lord said in His word, Laodecia is "blind."


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