Praying For Others
By Smana Petit-Frere WHY SHOULD WE PRAY FOR OTHERS: Praying for others benefits both the intercessor and the one for whom you are interceding for. ( Job 42:10 ) Some, who are still on the right path today, are only there because of the prayers of their parents, church family, or a friend. ( Genesis 27:28,29 ) Jesus while on earth spent hours interceding on behalf of others. Everything Jesus did was rooted in His love for mankind. Therefore, to love like Jesus, we must pray for others like Jesus. I know that it can be difficult to pray for longer than a few minutes, many share that struggle. This can be caused by any number of reasons, could one of those reasons be that we are not taking the time to pray for others? Your prayers are not supposed to be only about “I”, look at the Lord’s Prayer; it is all about “us” and “our”. ( Matthew 6:9-13 ) When praying for others and not focusing on your own wants and needs … time flies! WHAT DO WE PRAY FOR: F...