
Showing posts from June, 2018

Praying For Others

By Smana Petit-Frere WHY SHOULD WE PRAY FOR OTHERS:   Praying for others benefits both the intercessor and the one for whom you are interceding for. ( Job 42:10 )   Some, who are still on the right path today, are only there because of the prayers of their parents, church family, or a friend. ( Genesis 27:28,29 )   Jesus while on earth spent hours interceding on behalf of others. Everything Jesus did was rooted in His love for mankind. Therefore, to love like Jesus, we must pray for others like Jesus. I know that it can be difficult to pray for longer than a few minutes, many share that struggle. This can be caused by any number of reasons, could one of those reasons be that we are not taking the time to pray for others? Your prayers are not supposed to be only about “I”, look at the Lord’s Prayer; it is all about “us” and “our”. ( Matthew 6:9-13 ) When praying for others and not focusing on your own wants and needs … time flies! WHAT DO WE PRAY FOR: F...

Personal Testimony - The Holy Conviction

By Kaela Joseph             Two years ago I was enrolled in an Anthropology class, for our midterm assignment we were directed to watch the movie ‘Avatar’ and to identify and analyze the cultures within it. Since becoming a Seventh Day Adventist I was taught to be weary of the things I watched, even for the purpose of school assignments. I was conflicted on what to do. That same day I went home and prayed asking the Lord for guidance, whether or not I should do the assignment. On the Sabbath of that same week, the church announced an upcoming seminar focusing on entertainment and I knew that this was a call from God; this would give me the answer to my question, “what I should do?” The seminar was filled with many interesting points that I had never heard before, such as the history of the entertainment industry and the leaders of it. After attending the seminar I was certain that the Lord wanted me to take a stand and...

Abraham’s Prayer For Sodom

Power of Prayer - A Series By Allana Austin  One: Abraham’s Prayer For Sodom Genesis 18:16-33 A Profile of Abraham Today when our guests depart, we may end the visit by walking them to the door or to the car, and we wish them a safe journey. Similarly, in the days of Abraham, it was a popular custom for a host to walk or travel with their guests for some distance as they departed from their residence. Abraham was no exception to this custom, as his heavenly guests departed, they travelled and talked for some distance. This may be the first time they had physically walked together, but in fact, Abraham had been walking with the Lord for many decades. They had an intimate and long relationship; the Lord knew that Abraham was a holy man, a man who ordered his steps and that of his families according to the Word [Genesis 18:19]. It was on this walk that the Lord revealed to Abraham, his intentions for the city of Sodom [Genesis 18:20-21]. Abraham Bargains for ...

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