
Showing posts from April, 2018


By: Smana Petit-Frere Life has become so instant, everything is so fast paced; even the way we pray is being affected. The idea of work and school is always in our minds; with no time to really establish a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When everyone and everything is in a haste, Christians must look in the bible. Jesus bade us to... “ 4  Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me ” (John 15:4). To abide means to be in accordance. For believers, it means to maintain an unbroken fellowship with God. It is regularity. It is consistency. And it results in producing lasting fruit. That is the secret of spiritual growth, daily communication with our Lord and Savior. In 1 John 2:6 it says, “ 6  He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked .” Walking speaks of consistent motion, and that’s exactly what Jesus did when He was on ...

A True Christian Home

By Edriss Perjuste Today’s Society: In the world that we live today, society has deteriorated to the point where men have taken on the custom of Satan rather than God. That is why we have so much evil in the world, wars left and right, divorce rates at an all time high, sexual immorality, and more youth are becoming more violent committing all types of crimes. There needs to be a change and it all starts at home. The Home Atmosphere: The home is often regarded as simply a habitable place, somewhere to go to lie down after a long stressful day. There is a saying I hear people say all the time referring to their home “I’m going to go into my cave”. The home is much more than just a habitable place or a cave; the home should be like a little piece of heaven on earth where love, joy, happiness and God’s principles are cultivated. The atmosphere of the home should be where the spirit of God dwells, it should be peaceful; it should be welcoming, love should be felt there and it ...

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