
Showing posts from May, 2018

Justice and Righteousness In The Book of Job

By: Steph Neres  May 31, 2018 In the bible, there are three specific books that deal with how we should live. These books contain words of advice, the mechanics of life or rather wisdoms (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job). Job though, deals with more than the wisdom of man but also the wisdom of God. In this book we get a peak of the heavenly realms, we see how God operates and how  Satan operates as well.  This book has so many lessons for us to learn; today we will focus  on God’s Justice and Righteousness. We suffer, and it seems like a regular part of life. Whether we are suffering from illness, or injustice, or even by not being able to get what we want, life can be so difficult. The book of Job opens up talking about Job’s righteousness. It tells us how the accuser came in the midst near the throne of God, slandering Job many times. We also see God allowing Satan to prove and hurt His servant ( Job 1-3 ).  It gives us an insight into the re...

What is The Fabric of Your Life?

By: Nastassia Newell It's everywhere! If you look around, you'd be surprised to see that our everyday items are made with it. It's in our transportation, homes and at our jobs. We're actually in it right now, whether our clothing, shoes or socks, one thing that rarely escapes us is fabric. We use it to cover us in the form of a garment and we use it to hold our personal items; whether, our preference is a pocket book, wallet, back pack or wristlet we all use and come into contact with fabric in some way. However, not all fabric is created equal. The fabric is usually classified under two categories, synthetic or natural. Synthetic fabrics are man-made fabrics that are chemically processed through a process called polymerization and if you used a magnifying glass the threading would appear as plastic. They are usually cost efficient and retain their shape well, however, they don't allow your skin to breath, can cause skin irritation and can become uncomfort...

The Doctrine of Satan: State of The Dead

By: Sid Charles There are many erroneous beliefs that have crept, beliefs that are unsupported by the Bible. An overwhelmingly acceptance of these teachings based on traditions and unbiblical sources, are leading many astray from the Truth. Ultimately, sound doctrine grounds its authority within the Bible and aligns with the Scriptures; whereas, false doctrine is a product of the Devil and leads to ungodly living and ideologies that are outside of the Word of God. “ But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. ”  (Matthew 15:9). Due to sin and its introduction to the fallen world, death is almost an absolute outcome for humanity. When it comes to this touchy subject, various cultures, religions, and denominations have different traditions and beliefs pertaining to death and the afterlife. Reincarnation is widely believed to be a facet of the afterlife in Hinduism as well as Buddhism; and some Christians believe that at death loved on...

The Reality of The Cross

 By: Ric Neres The reality of the cross is something as Christians we need to really think about. In this article, we will go over the reason for the cross and the seriousness of our condition. When man sinned in the garden, he rebelled against His Father, His King and Lord. The Lord had commanded the man not to eat of the tree or he would die (Genesis 2:16,17).  Sin is a power that is opposed to everything that is good and holy. Its introduction  have brought ruin to the creation. Man had now joined the rank of rebellion with the enemy of God, the Devil. Now man was under a sentence of death, eternal death and since God is just, He must punish transgression and evil. Thus, we end up with the biggest problem in the Bible, how can God be just and justify the wicked? This dilemma is presented in Proverb 17:15, " He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD."    Righteous Jud...

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