
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Grand Deception

By Ric Neres       15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)   Deception does not need to use any truth for it to work, only an appearance of the truth. Why do I say that? As I look at the increasing immorality in the land, I ask myself how are the people deceived in a country such as the United States of America, where the Bible is so readily available? As I looked closely, I began to see; we need more than the Bible in order not to be deceived. This is why I say that: Homosexuality             The Bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord (Leviticus 18:22). Once upon a time, modern society believed it so. But in a few short years, with the concerted effort by some deceived people, lo and behold, homosexuality is sweeping the world like wildfire. Now, that in its self is trou...

Hannah Prays For a Son  

Power of Prayer - A Series By Allana Austin Two - Part one: Hannah prays for a son   I Samuel 1:1-20 A Profile of Hannah A woman’s honor was directly related to her ability to produce children, … and our dear Hannah was barren. Of Elkanah’s two wives, Hannah was first and favorite [1 Samuel 1:5], but the position she held in her home and husband’s heart did nothing to console her [1 Samuel 1:8]. Elkanah’s decision to take another wife was motivated by his desire to continue his lineage, and a lack of faith in God. This decision would disturb the harmony of the home. Peninnah, the second wife, had sons and daughters [1 Samuel 1:4], and would often torment Hannah because she was barren [1 Samuel 1:6]. The Bible says Hannah’s circumstances made her bitter and sorrowful, and that the matter caused her to weep, and not to eat. In spite of all that Hannah is characterized as “the woman of prayer and self-sacrifice and heavenly inspiration”. (Patriarchs a...

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