A Grand Deception
By Ric Neres
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
Deception does not need
to use any truth for it to work, only an appearance of the truth. Why do I say
that? As I look at the increasing immorality in the land, I ask myself how are
the people deceived in a country such as the United States of America, where the Bible is so readily
available? As I looked closely, I began to see; we need more than the Bible in
order not to be deceived. This is why I say that:
Bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord (Leviticus 18:22). Once upon a
time, modern society believed it so. But in a few short years, with the concerted
effort by some deceived people, lo and behold, homosexuality is sweeping the world
like wildfire. Now, that in its self is troubling, but what is truly shocking
is the fact that the same phenomenon is happening in the Christian churches at
a rapid rate. The people who claimed to represent God and are supposed to be
the light of the world-- for the sake of pleasing the world--are allowing outer
darkness to come in.
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
in point. By seeing how current deception is working, one can see how deceived
Christians have rejected the law of God, the fourth commandment (Exodus 20:8-11). All the
apostles of Christ worshipped on the Sabbath Day as given by God since creation,
after their death, grievous wolves came in and introduced the pagan day of
worship into the church. I believe I can safely say there was a fierce struggle
to defend the sanctity of the Sabbath, but as the enemies of The Gospel gained
prominence in society; the true Christians became marginalized and were
ridiculed. Over time, as Sunday sacredness became what is taught today, new
generations arose believing this lie. Those who held onto the Sabbath became few
and far between. Look at what’s happening now, one can see how all the factions
of the devil are at work.
We Need
not a lack of evidence that produce deceived people, but a refusal to submit to
the Truth. Homosexuality is condemned all over the Bible, but rebellious
pastors and church members are defending it and promoting its practice in the
church. The Sabbath is all over the Bible, yet the majority of Christians have
rejected it, they have chosen the lie over the truth because a lot has become
so ingrained through indoctrination. Which brings us back to my statement at
the beginning that “more than the Bible is needed in order not to be deceived
in these last days.” A surrendered relationship with God is needed; a life
filled with the Holy Spirit is needed. A life of constant prayer is needed,
asking God to help us to live daily by his every word, asking him for wisdom
from above. Without the spirit of the Lord in full control in our lives we all
will be deceived.
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