
Showing posts from April, 2020

State of Emergency

State of Emergency                                                                                                   Photo Credit: By: Bintu St Jean April 16, 2020 · 3 min read Whenever there is a worldwide pandemic, there is a worldwide fear. Worldwide, not just among non-believers but in God’s believers. The church is confronted with a health crisis and a crisis of faith. Whenever there is a state of emergency, people will do things they will not usually do to save themselves. A person who would not regularly wash their hands throughout the day, is now washing their hands every moment and chance they get. People who usually do not watch the news, are glued to the T.V and watching for notifications on their phones for updates. People who could care less , care more because they want to live. A man will do, whatever you tell him to do, even if he has never done it, to save his life. “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cheri

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