
Showing posts from February, 2018

8 Important Keys to Knowing God’s Will For Your Life

BY EDRISS PERJUSTE                         As a young Christian man, one of the many things that I seem to particularly wrestle with is, knowing God’s will for my life. I even sometime question could it be that my existence here was just a mere coincidence or am I here for a special reason? In Jeremiah 1:5 the Bible says, “ before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” With that verse being so vividly clear, I know that my life is not a coincidence, I was well thought of and, I was ordained for a special mission to be a prophet unto the nations. However, there are still questions; how do I allow God’s will to manifest in my life? How do I make decisions that are according to God’s will? I have found in my experience and through research eight important ke...

Black Panther And The Christian

Many Christians are excited and are very supportive of the latest Marvel Superhero film, the Black Panther. They are also going in droves to watch it, some churches are even promoting it. But the question is, should Christians watch those movies or are even the theaters places for Christians to go to? Hollywood Anti-God  The first thing a person who is seeking Christ should realize is that Hollywood is not on the side of God. This is a place that promotes all manner of wickedness and are in opposition to the Most High. Violence and immorality are a specialty of Hollywood movies. Using the powerful media, those movies have played a huge part in the corruptions of the minds of humanity. When we as Christians go to the theater to support Hollywood movies with our money, we are making them richer and hence participating in their works-the promotion of evil. Thus we become participants on the side of Satan in His warfare against God. Black Panther Black Panther is not a Christi...


BY SMANA PETIT FRERE Truth is established on two or three witnesses (2 Corinthians 13:1). When the Bible mentions something more than once, it is of utmost importance to pay attention. In these following verses, faith is particularly highlighted: “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) “But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)   “Behold, his soul [which] is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith .” (Habakkuk 2:4)   “ For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith : as it is written, The just shall live by faith .” (Romans 1:17)              The just is commanded, not suggested, to live by faith. Heb...

Forever Happy

BY STEPH NERES There is a love-hate relationship with the self. We want to feel calmness and quietness of the soul, but we hate having to deal with our feelings and thoughts, we hate even to have them. Do you know that some people wish they were robots? Yes! Some people wish that they didn’t have freewill-they wish someone else was taking care of them and make their decisions for them. But the same people also hate the numbness of the heart.  I am the type of person who would randomly go for a walk…seeking a way to escape for a moment. I am the type to go for a drive at night to experience the night sky, I randomly go to remote places to find myself--to deal with my thoughts and be a natural human being without all the artificiality of this life. I enjoy knowing that I can feel the wind and what it does to the hair on my skin, I long to hear the birds sing, to be able to breathe fresh air, and watch lizards and chipmunks play. Haven’t you ever done those things? Trying t...

8 Laws of Health: Jesus Christ Provision for Humanity (Nutrition and Diet)

Sid Charles ∙ February 1, 2018 What if I told you that Jesus Christ cares for you abundantly, even in the consumption of food and the products we put in our body? The bible provides the answer so vividly;   3 John 1:2 and 1 Corinthians 10:31 highlights the correlation between the soul prospering and being in good health, not to mention, the body is indeed God’s temple. We aren’t only defiling the temple by the marks and cuts ( Leviticus 19:28 ) we inflict on ourselves, we do the same damage by the way we eat. The type of food you consume will affect your general health; many are lying on hospital beds as a result of improper diet. Incorporating uncomplicated changes like green vegetables and fruits into your diet will go a long way in combating anyone’s aches and pains. Similarly, a converted Christian should be recognizably different in all fashion to that of the world, in character ( Galatians 5:22-26 ), in love ( John 13:34-35 ), and the treatment of others (...

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