
Showing posts from March, 2018


By: Steph Neres Have you ever been deceived? Or do you think you are deceived about God? I know that most eager Christians will say that they are not deceived because they know who God is. But along the years, I have come to understand that we make up a lot of misconceptions about God and His character. We tend to think that God is who we depict in our heads. But, we fail to realize that God is not our imagination, He is REAL as real can be and He has distinct characters. (Exodus 34:5-8) A lot of us tend to think that when we perceive something is Good, it could be connected to God. For example, we may enjoy pop music and we think that we can remove the "worldliness" of pop to make "gospel pop". This is one way that we deceive ourselves. There are also some abominable practices that we want to honor in God's name and among them is sexual immorality. While the bible is clear on the subject of homosexuality, we want to make it acceptable in our churches by per...

Dead End: The Road Signs

By: Sid Charles Do you know someone that displays the common signs of Depression? Someone who is completely down and negative about themselves, to the point they feel worthless and inadequate. A person that spends a lot of their time sleeping, or an individual that has had suicidal thoughts or attempts. Many are experiencing this demoralizing disease, they literally feel confined with no foreseeable future. As a result, some may turn to a variety of outlets to manage and alleviate the empty feeling, outlets that give them a false, and often short-lived sense of relief. Others may end their lives, seeing suicide as the only option to bring an end to a deteriorating and incapacitating situation. Depression is not a sin and we should not be ashamed to acknowledge that we may very well be unhappy. Job experienced a series of assaults in every area of his life, his faith was tested, and he endured and overcame. Not on his own merits, but “… through Christ which strengthen me…” (P...

Understanding The Greatness of Our God

Written By Ric Neres Many of us struggle with sins, worries and other difficulties in life because of lack of understanding the greatness of God. We are like a pauper who does not know that His Father is the King of the land. We beg for scraps on the streets, when we could have been feasting at the dinner table of royalty. Imagine one day, the representative of the King came to you and say hey, you are a Son/daughter of the King, follow me and I will bring you into His presence, what will you do? In this article we will go over 3 particular reasons so as Christians instead of walking around feeling hopeless and discouraged, we will shout for joy . In Genesis chapter one the Bible teaches that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth by the power of His word. Now think about how powerful God is to have created all these things with simply speaking them into existence. Not only has God created these things but they are continually maintained by the Word of His power. ...


By: Allana Austin             “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”           You are looking for a particular item, you’ve looked high and you’ve looked low. Finally, you see it, your search is over, and it is everything you’ve been looking for! Just a few clicks and your special item is on its way to becoming yours, you wait anxiously. You’re excited because today your package arrives, but when you open the door you are disappointed, the package is smaller than anticipated… in your excitement to make your purchase, you missed where it said, “ Assembly Required ”. No matter, you bring the package into your home, and you begin to remove the many pieces and you set the instructions aside…who really needs them, am I right? You finish assembling your item, per your assessments it is a spectacu...

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